Sunday 15 May 2011

Solider's Things

Open publication - Free publishing - More hong kong

Its been a looong time coming

You'd think uploading an E-book would be hassle free and much easier than getting things printed.
you'd be wrong.   BIG TIME
I've had endless amounts of trouble with this.
But anyway its here now so you'd all better effin enjoy it.

It was a challenge i dare say
no dialogue
just images
and crows.
Does it tell a story? I hope so.

Oh and as for the title
its a kindly nod and hat tip to Mr Tom Waits
for those who arnt fans (as if) hes done a song by the same name.
similar sort of idea
maybe it can be a soundtrack to the book (do books have soundtracks?)

Monday 2 May 2011

Good news

Its been a while i know .

but i thought id share some uplifiting news that came out of Hong kong recently. For the first time Hong Kong has put in place a minimum wage for workers, appropriately announced on may day might i add (also international workers day incase you didnt know)
This step has been long overdue, however many still argue that this wont be enough to narrow Hong Kongs large wealth gap. But a step in the right direction nonetheless.

Vive les travailleurs!

In other news work on the graphic novel is well underway, and hopefully some visuals will be up soon (maybe even tomorow).

I know, i spoil you.