Sunday 27 February 2011


 Illustrations for the leaflet/poster jazz
first time ive used oil pastels to any great affect i think, i usually avoid them like the plague but it think this is the exception that proves the rule.

with text
i went down the traditional route last time around (the map)so this time i wanted something more colourful/modern

Victoria peak
Ocean park aquarium
Po lin buddha

Mong kok markets

Light display

more markets

lion rock

Starting to think about character design aswell so stay tuned.


  1. Great work, I especially like the bright colours you've used. I used to love using oil pastels as you can get some really interesting results with them.

    I'm looking forward to seeing some of your character designs as thats what I'm looking at doing next. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks a lot!

    The characters are going to be based in Hong Kong during WWII
    one a japanese soldier and one british.
    All in the early stages atm but its coming together
